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Cynthia Closkey

Hey, her throw pillows match her hairstyle. Do you think her whole house is done in sphincter?

RE: your Boston trip. If you are somehow able to escape the retail splendor of Copley Place, consider cabbing over to Cambridge for a beer and a burger at Miracle of Science. It's on Mass Ave between MIT and Central Square (gosh, how great it feels to type those names), and it's a tiny bur very spiffy place. You'd love it.


What I can't figure out is where the HELL this story line is going. Does our hair-challenged heroine discover that her advice columnist's an idiot?

Do they meet, perhaps, at which point she brains him?

Or her poor workaholic soon to be exhusband -- does he find out what the hell happened, and demand couples therapy?

AND! Do Mary and her platonic love interest get to have moor lunches at the Seafood Fest N' Bar?


Perhaps the hairstyle faclitates her plugging into the Matrix?


Ewww! What does that make Princess Leia's hairdo?

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